Van Hollen: People Think Biden’s Policies Hurt Economy Because They’re Dealing with ‘Lingering Impact’ of Inflation

On Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central,” Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) reacted to a CNN poll showing that most voters believe President Joe Biden’s policies have made the economy worse by stating that while the economy is improving, “people are still facing the lingering impact of rising prices and inflation.” And predicted that, “as time goes on, the people across this country, again, will want to stick with something that will be working and increasingly working to their advantage rather than doing a U-turn, and going back to the four years of chaos in the Trump administration.”

Van Hollen said that while he hasn’t seen the details of the poll, “with the passage of these bills, the economy is clearly turning around now, but people are still facing the lingering impact of rising prices and inflation. But, we also know that, recently, inflation is coming down dramatically. We’re at about 3%, and actually going down, compared to where it was. So, I do think, John, that, as the months progress and unemployment remains low, jobs continue to be generated, wages are going up. And they’re going up in real terms, not just nominal terms. In other words, people are getting more in their paycheck than they were before in terms of spending capacity. So, I do think, as time goes on, the people across this country, again, will want to stick with something that will be working and increasingly working to their advantage rather than doing a U-turn, and going back to the four years of chaos in the Trump administration.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart September 7th 2023