Van Jones: Migrant Busing Made Dems Care About an Issue Lefty Media Ignored, Proved GOP Right

On Tuesday’s broadcast of “CNN This Morning” CNN Political Commentator and former Obama Adviser Van Jones said that migrant busing has caused immigration to break through to the Democratic base because you have Democratic officials who are saying they can’t handle the migrant influx, “which is kind of the point that red state governors have been making for a while.”

Jones stated that the immigration issue is “cutting through now with the Democratic base as well, because of the kind of tactic or stunt of sending a bunch of the immigrants into blue states is destabilizing some of the politics in our own party. You the New York mayor who’s saying, look, I can’t handle all this stuff, which is kind of the point that red state governors have been making for a while. I think we live in — everybody’s now living in their own private QAnon in terms of the information environment people have. If you’re a Republican, all you’re seeing is the immigration crisis. If you’re a Democrat, you’re not seeing it at all, and that’s how people wind up, I think, being surprised by the salience of some of these issues.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart January 23rd 2024