VIDEO: Florida Mayor Resigns over Concerns About ‘Corruptive Behavior’ Among Leaders

The mayor of Madeira Beach, Florida, shocked residents by resigning on Friday after issuing a letter of concern to his neighbors about “corruptive behavior” among local leaders.

Now-former Mayor Jim Rostek said he had to leave his post because “what is going on with this small town is all wrong,” Fox 13 reported on Wednesday.

Rostek expressed sadness over the decision to step away from his role, saying he needed to for his health. However, he did tell residents in his letter that he would always be there to support them, and he encouraged them to do the right thing.

The now-former mayor is concerned about things such as city workers smoking and texting in official cars and life vests not being worn while riding in city-owned boats, according to Fox.

The outlet’s article quoted Rostek:

“The city manager refused to implement any policy. He said he would talk to them, and I told him, ‘Talk is cheap.’ I said, ‘You need to have policy to back up what you’ve told them because when it comes time for a lawsuit, we’re not going to have any ammunition to substantiate,’” he said. “If you don’t get the small things right, what about the big things?”

Rostek also called out wasteful spending, concerns over the city’s procurement process, and what he called selective or discriminatory enforcement. He said he believes there is more.

Rostek won his bid for mayor in 2023 with 52 percent of the vote, Tampa Bay Newspapers reported Tuesday.

“He campaigned as a change agent who was concerned about ‘wasting taxpayers’ dollars’ and about communication and transparency between the city government and its citizens. He also wanted the building permitting process simplified,” the outlet said.

Rostek filed formal complaints against City Manager Robin Gomez during the campaign, along with his opponent, former Commissioner Doug Andrews.

“The complaints, filed with the state attorney general and the Florida Ethics Commission, involved a city-operated video taken in City Hall that was distributed online. Nothing came of the complaints,” the Newspapers article said.

Per the Fox report, Gomez said Rostek is entitled to his opinions, claimed the city had provided answers to his comments, and also alleged the claims of corruption had no base and were false.

Rostek has since said he hopes someone from the state will contact him about the issues.

The city, known as a “slice of paradise,” announced on Friday that Rostek had resigned, noting that Vice Mayor Anne-Marie Brooks will fill the mayor’s role for the time being.

Authored by Amy Furr via Breitbart June 20th 2024