VP Harris: ‘We Should All Be Scared’ if Trump Elected — Our Freedoms Are at Stake

Vice President Kamala Harris said Wednesday on ABC’s “The View” that “we should all be scared” because if former President Donald Trump is elected again, our freedoms are at stake.

Harris said, “I think most people don’t think of it in the context of democracy so much as freedom. The freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body, the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride, the freedom to be able to be free from gun violence, these are fundamental freedoms that are at stake right now.”

She added, “We’ve got a guy right now, the former president, running for office openly saying that he promises to essentially be a dictator. A person running to enter back into the White House who is proud that he stripped Americans, women of the right to make decisions about their own body. A person running to become the commander in chief who is admitting he would weaponize the Department of Justice.”

Co-host Joy Behar said, “President Obama reportedly has said that he thinks the Biden campaign is too complacent when it comes to Trump. Representative Jim Clyburnhas said the campaign isn’t breaking through the MAGA wall. Michelle Obama says she’s terrified, as we are, about the potential outcome of the election. Now, are you scared? What could happen if Trump ever became, God forbid, president again? And what are you going to do to stop the crazies?”

Harris said, “I am scared as heck. Which is why I’m traveling our country. You know, there’s an old saying that there are only two ways to run for office: Either without an opponent or scared. So on all of those points, yes, we should all be scared.”

She added, “But as we know, and certainly this is a table of very powerful women. We don’t run away from something when we’re scared. We fight back against it. Right. Yeah. So many of us know when we are scared for the future of our children, do we then stay in bed with the covers over our head? Nope. No we can’t. We cannot. We cannot. And this is where this election requires, rightly that President Biden and I and and all of us who are part of this administration, we got to earn reelection. There is no question.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart January 17th 2024