Waltz: We Can Make Iran Pay and Deter Without Escalation Like We Did with Soleimani Strike

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL) stated that attacks in the Middle East are continuing because “we’re not hitting back on things that Iran cares about.” And that this can be done without a major escalation because “You can use cyber, you can use financial means, or you could hit facilities, as President Trump did, or people, like Soleimani, that the Iranians care about.”

Waltz stated, “[D]eterrence is failing. We have put significant assets in the region, air defense assets, bombers, an additional aircraft carrier, and now have a multinational coalition of ships in the Red Sea. And yet, the attacks keep continuing, and the reason is, we’re not hitting back on things that Iran cares about. … I want to be clear, that’s not for some major military escalation. You can use cyber, you can use financial means, or you could hit facilities, as President Trump did, or people, like Soleimani, that the Iranians care about. But, right now, every time you hear the secretary of defense, the secretary of state, Jake Sullivan, the National Security Adviser, come to the mic and say, our number one goal is non-escalation or de-escalation, Tehran hears that as opportunity, that the United States is not going to hit back in a way that hurts us. And that’s why you’re seeing these attacks continue.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart December 26th 2023