Walz: Being in the Room for Afghanistan Withdrawal Will Help Harris if She’s President

During an interview with Columbus, GA CBS affiliate WRBL on Tuesday, 2024 Democratic vice presidential candidate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) stated that being in the room for the Afghanistan withdrawal will help his running mate, Vice President Kamala Harris if she becomes president.

WRBL’s Chuck Williams asked, [relevant exchange begins around 4:10] “Vice President Harris has been a — has been in the room for key national security issues, namely the Afghanistan withdrawal, the Iraq — the Israeli war and Ukraine and Russia. How do — are you confident that those experiences will help her as she — if she becomes commander-in-chief?”

Walz answered, “I do. And not only am I confident, I think the folks who were there and the folks who were with Donald Trump have made it clear, whether it’s John Kelly or Gen. Milley, folks that are saying, look, Donald Trump doesn’t have the capacity to do this, and I think these are really intractable issues, but they can be solved if we have United States leadership building a coalition around this. So, I think the Vice President’s been in the room with 150 world leaders, she has the temperament to be able to build this, and she has made it clear, we’re going to stand with our allies and we’re going to stand against totalitarianism. So, yes, I do believe she has it and I think who were closest to both Donald Trump and the Vice President — 700 national security professionals — signed on to support the Vice President.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart October 29th 2024