WaPo’s Hudson: Lots of Evangelicals Like Huckabee Have Adopted ‘Right-Wing Brand of Zionism’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of WBUR’s “Here and Now,” Washington Post Reporter John Hudson discussed the nomination of Mike Huckabee to be the United States Ambassador to Israel by President-Elect Donald Trump and said that “For a number of Christian Evangelicals, which Huckabee identifies as, particularly those that take a literalist interpretation of the Bible, there is a strong emphasis on the covenant that God made to Abraham about the sanctity of Israel as a homeland for the Israelites, and, as a result, many Christian Evangelicals have turned that belief into a right-wing brand of Zionism that really has little place for the Palestinian people and does not view them as having a legitimate claim to the land.”

Hudson said, “So, he’s a Baptist minister. He’s taken a number of groups on religious trips to Israel. And there [are] a lot of Christian groups that visit Israel, from many different sects of Christianity. For a number of Christian Evangelicals, which Huckabee identifies as, particularly those that take a literalist interpretation of the Bible, there is a strong emphasis on the covenant that God made to Abraham about the sanctity of Israel as a homeland for the Israelites, and, as a result, many Christian Evangelicals have turned that belief into a right-wing brand of Zionism that really has little place for the Palestinian people and does not view them as having a legitimate claim to the land.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart November 13th 2024