WaPo’s Robinson on Supporters Trusting Trump: ‘A Whole Lot of People in Iowa Are Going to Hell’

MSNBC contributor and Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson said Tuesday on “Morning Joe” that “a whole lot of people in Iowa are going to Hell.”

The panel discussed a new CBS News/YouGov poll showing that MAGA voters trust former President Donald Trump more than anyone else, including family members and clergy.

Partial transcript as follows:

JOE SCARBOROUGH: We’ve been hearing, Gene, for so long that Iowa voters are deeply religious, (adopts mocking voice) oh they’re truly Christian Evangelicals. Oh, if you go to Iowa, then you love Jesus so much!


SCARBOROUGH: No, we’ve been hearing that since Pat Robertson won in 1988. Maybe he came in second i don’t remember. But we’ve been hearing ‘They’re so righteous! OH!’ Now what do we find out who they trust? A 4-time-indicted reality TV show host who a New York judge called a rapist, who bragged about sexually molesting women, saying that it’s the way it’s always been and maybe that’s a good thing. He doesn’t know whether it’s good or not. Twice as many of these voters.

BRZEZINSKI: Porn star.

SCARBOROUGH: Porn star payoff illegal. You know, I’m talking like 41 Porn star payoff illegal. But now twice as many of them basically say we trust that guy over a minister of Jesus Christ.


SCARBOROUGH: End scene. Go, Gene!

ROBINSON: No, I mean, it’s just what those numbers suggest is that a whole lot of people in Iowa are going to Hell! Right? They are not going to be redeemed!

SCARBOROUGH: He’s joking, Iowa people.

ROBINSON: That is an incredible figure from that poll that people trust Trump over their clergy. And it does make you wonder, like what do you your how are you thinking of your Christianity? How are you thinking of your faith to get to that point?

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart August 22nd 2023