Warnock: Right Using Faith as a Weapon to Beat Transgender People Down

Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that Republicans are using faith as a weapon to beat down transgender people.

Host Dana Bash said, “Republicans are attacking President Biden for recognizing today as Transgender Day of Visibility. I want to be very clear that this day, this Transgender Day of Visibility is always on March 31st has been since 2009. This president has marked at every year since he’s been in the White House the date of Easter changes year to year. I don’t need to tell you that the House Speaker called Biden’s announcement abhorrent and said he betrayed the central tenant of Easter. What do you say to that.”

Warnock said, “Well, apparently the speaker finds trans people abhorrent and I think he ought to think about that. The fact of the matter is as you said, March 31 has been a day to lift up transgender people who endure violence and bigotry. Easter, the date changes every single year, but this is just one more instance of folks who have who do not know how to lead us trying to divide us. This is the opposite of the Christian Faith.”

He added, “Jesus centered the marginalized. he sent it the poor and in a moment like this, we need voices, particularly voices of faith, who would use our faith, not as a weapon to beat other people down, but as a bridge to bring all of us together. That is what Martin Luther King Junior said. I’m honored to preach from that pulpit every single day.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart March 30th 2024