Wasserman Schultz: Biden Impeachment Inquiry Push Shows House GOP ‘Wholly Owned Subsidiary’ of Trump

Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “José Díaz-Balart Reports” that House Republicans who want to move forward with the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden are “owned” by former President Donald Trump.

Wasserman Schultz said, “Kevin McCarthy and House Republicans, the extreme MAGA wing. That’s what this is about. They are succumbing to Donald Trump, and they are allowing Donald Trump to hold our economy hostage. They are giving in to their extreme MAGA wing, and they will potentially, likely crash our economy.”

She continued, “They are afraid. They know they have nothing there, that there has been no evidence. They are using this word’ inquiry.’ He just said they are going to move forward on impeachment because he’s in the pocket of Donald Trump.”

Wasserman Schultz added, “They have acknowledged there’s no evidence against Joe Biden. The House has to vote to move forward on an impeachment, period. They are adding the word ‘inquiry’ like they are still going to do some investigations. They have been investigating for months and months. They’ve acknowledged they have no evidence. They don’t need to move forward on impeachment other than Donald Trump has pressured them, that they are a wholly owned subsidiary of his campaign, and they are giving into their extreme MAGA Republicans because Kevin McCarthy knows that one member can move to remove him. And the only thing he cares about is holding onto power.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart September 12th 2023