Wasserman Schultz: ‘Hopefully’ Trump Will Be Banned from Other State Ballots

Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) said Friday on MSNBC’s “José Díaz-Balart Reports” that she was hopeful former President Donald Trump will be banned from other state ballots following the Colorado Supreme Court ruling.

Wasserman Schultz said, “I know there has been a lot of chatter over the last few days since this court ruling about whether or not section three of the 14th Amendment was intended to apply to presidents of the United States, foreign presidents. The Section 3 begins, ‘No person shall,’ I mean, it doesn’t have an exception for other offices, and it applies specifically if you are an officer of the United States and you swore to uphold an oath to support the Constitution of the United States.”

She continued, “There is no shortage of evidence that Donald Trump, whether it was the calls into Georgia election officials to find 11,000 and change votes, or the calls that have just come to light into Michigan to canvassing boards, to not sign to certify the elections, and then, of course, January 6, where he incited an insurrection. It is very clear that this section of the constitutional amendment is applicable to Donald Trump.”

Wasserman Schultz added, “State parties and states decide who is going to be on their ballots. It is not a 50-state uniform process to qualify to be on a ballot to run for president. It is in 50 individual state process. And so it is possible, and this process has begun with Colorado’s decision prohibits a presidential candidate from appearing on the ballot because they committed insurrection and are deemed to be violative of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. That’s what happened here, and it could potentially and in my mind hopefully will happen in other states because Donald Trump is not an individual who should be trusted ever again to uphold the Constitution because he clearly violated it multiple times and while he was president, in trying to hold on to office at all costs.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart December 21st 2023