WATCH: Denver Official Seen Telling New Migrants to Leave, ‘New York Gives You More. Chicago Gives You More’

Recently arrived migrants get on a bus outside Floyd Bennett Field shelter on February 21,
ANGELA WEISS/AFP via Getty Images

Denver’s recently appointed “Newcomer Communications Liaison,” Andres Carrera, was caught on video pleading with newly arrived illegal aliens to turn around and leave the city immediately because the “opportunities are over” in the welcoming city of Denver.

Carrera, who moved into Denver Mayor Mike Johnston’s administration from the administration of Democrat Gov. Jared Polis last year, is seen warning migrants, who arrived in the city on March 26, that there is nothing for them in Denver and that they should quickly move on to New York City or Chicago, where they can “get more.”

In the video, Carrera tells migrants in Spanish, “The opportunities are over,” Denver News 9 reported Saturday.

Watch video:

“New York gives you more. Chicago gives you more. So I suggest you go there where there is longer-term shelter. There are also more job opportunities there,” the Denver migrant official adds.

This from the city that claims to welcome migrants with open arms. But it is the same city that recently began to turn migrants out of city shelters if they stayed too long in the shelter system. Denver has also spent nearly $40 million on Joe Biden’s flood of illegals.

“We have received too many migrants and that is why we ran out of resources,” Carrera said to the group of migrants in the city’s main migrant shelter.

“We are not going to block you if you want to say here,” Carrera said, but ominously added, “If you stay here you are going to suffer even more and I don’t want to see this.”

Carrera also tells the migrants that the city will pay for their airfare or bus fare to any U.S. city they want.

RELATED VIDEO — ICE Official: Sanctuary Policies Put Dangerous People in Immigrant Communities, “We Have to Go Out” Constantly:

“You don’t have to walk anywhere, we can buy you a free ticket,” Carrera exclaims. “You can go to any city. We can take you up to the Canadian border, wherever.”

Still, his warnings may have fallen on deaf ears, if the end of the video is any indication. When Carrera asked who wanted to stay, all the migrants said they did.

This is not the first time that Denver officials have made efforts to cut migrants off at the pass.

Last October, Johnston sent city officials to several Texas border towns to distribute flyers telling migrants to skip Denver because the city was full and had no more room for illegals.

But Colorado’s laws act as a draw, despite the pleading of officials for migrants to forego the trip to the Centennial State.

In May of 2019, for instance, Gov. Polis signed HB19-1124, which prohibits law enforcement officials in Colorado from holding undocumented immigrants due to a request from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The law allows illegals to stay in Colorado relatively free of any interference from immigration officials.

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Authored by Warner Todd Huston via Breitbart April 3rd 2024