Watch Live: Former DEA Agent Who Brought Down El Chapo Discusses 'Plan Of Attack' Against Cartels With Former Trump Official 

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Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are planning serious action to address the fentanyl crisis exacerbated by President Biden's open southern borders. With 80,000–100,000 Americans dying from fentanyl overdoses each year, or about one Vietnam every six months, a comprehensive strategy to target Chinese chemical suppliers, money launderers, Mexican cartels, and banks that facilitate this drug death catastrophe, wiping out America's future generations, nears. Some have referred to this crisis as the 'Reverse Opium War.' 

watch live former dea agent who brought down el chapo discusses plan of attack against cartels with former trump official

In April, the House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party uncovered that China is actively subsidizing the sale of fentanyl chemicals to Mexico. Drug cartels in Mexico then cook these chemicals, and the finished product is then flooded into the US via open southern borders.

watch live former dea agent who brought down el chapo discusses plan of attack against cartels with former trump official

The committee's report found, "Through subsidies, grants, and other incentives, the PRC [People's Republic of China] harms Americans while enriching PRC companies."

Last week, Paul Murphy from the Financial Times provided the most straightforward explanation of the Chinese money laundering network fueling America's fentanyl crisis. He explained, "Drug addicts in the US are facilitating the Western education of Chinese youth, as well as helping to fund the lifestyles of other Chinese nations living outside China." 

The April hearing on China's role in fueling fentanyl overdoses highlights the urgency for Washington to take immediate action, following several years of incoherent policies by the Biden administration that sparked the most significant illegal alien invasion this nation has ever witnessed. Regardless of the outcome of the presidential elections in November, lawmakers will face increasing pressure to take action against not only the Chinese but also Mexican cartels and banks to curb this devastating drug crisis.

At 1100 ET, David Asher, a former State Department official under the Trump administration and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, will speak with Raymond Donovan, a former director of operations at the DEA and a strategic law enforcement expert, in a live interview to discuss the next steps Washington should take to hold the perpetrators accountable by strategically targeting them from the top down. 

Donovan is known as 'the man who brought down El Chapo'... 

watch live former dea agent who brought down el chapo discusses plan of attack against cartels with former trump official

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Asher has laid out a multi-faceted approach, leveraging legal, financial, military, and media tools to combat the opioid crisis by targeting the foundational support structures of drug trafficking organizations. 

Here's a summary of the plan: 

  1. Goal: Attack cartels as corrupt organizations by targeting their finances and complicit financial institutions, such as Mexican and Chinese banks involved in money laundering.
  2. Methods:
    • Strategic law enforcement against cartel leadership and their financial networks.

    • Application of RICO laws and extensive use of sanctions.

    • Military support and covert operations similar to anti-terrorism efforts.

    • Implementation of a new Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) designation for narco-terrorists.

  3. Plan Development:
    • Full-spectrum operations involving law enforcement, military, cyber, covert actions, and media.

    • Designation of narco-terrorism as a top priority across government departments.

    • Empower prosecutors and use strategic indictments against major banks.

  4. Coordination:
    • Centralized command under a drug war czar at the National Security Council.

    • Regular coordination meetings and task forces among law enforcement agencies.

    • Preparation of mass designation packages for sanctions.

  5. Media Campaign:
    • Collaborate with media to expose cartel operations and China's role in fentanyl production.

    • Highlight the impact on American and global communities.

  6. Legislation:
    • Enact the Civil Accountability for Trafficking Fentanyl Act (CATFA) to enable civil lawsuits against cartels and their financial networks.

Former President Trump appears to have gotten the memo that it's time to get tough on China and Mexican cartels. A recent Rolling Stone report said Trump could deploy Tier 1 operators to surgically take out cartel leaders. We noted this in a report titled "Drug Lords Should Fear A Potential Trump Victory." 

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge July 12th 2024