Watch Live: President Biden Set To Join UAW Strike Picket Line 

On the twelfth day of strikes, President Biden plans to stand with striking United Auto Workers members on the picket lines in Wayne County, Michigan, a day before a scheduled visit to the state by former President Trump. 

Reuters said Biden will join UAW members in Wayne County around 1200 ET on Tuesday. Sources said UAW boss Shawn Fain is also expected to join the most pro-union president in history. 

On Monday, Biden said, "I think the UAW gave up an incredible amount back when the automobile industry was going under [GFC]. They gave everything from their pensions on, and they saved the automobile industry." 

"Now that the industry is roaring back they should participate in the benefits," the president added.

Remember, Biden was VP when former President Obama bailed out the auto industry over a decade ago. 

Erik Loomis, a University of Rhode Island professor and an expert on labor history, told AP News that Biden standing at the picket lines is "absolutely unprecedented. No president has ever walked a picket line before." 

Loomis said presidents historically "avoided direct participation in strikes. They saw themselves more as mediators. They did not see it as their place to directly intervene in a strike or in labor action."

The ongoing strike has yet to reach a resolution for a new labor agreement between the union and Detroit's Big Three: Ford, GM, and Stellantis. UAW is demanding approximately a 40% wage increase over a new four-year contract along with a 32-hour work week, while the automakers are proposing around 20%.

Ford announced on Sunday that there were still "significant gaps to close" in negotiations with the union. A recent Deutsche Bank note shows the union and automakers are still far apart

watch live president biden set to join uaw strike picket line

The latest data from The New York Times shows about 12% of the 150,000-member union is on strike, equivalent to about 18,300 workers. Strikes are nationwide. 

watch live president biden set to join uaw strike picket line

And on Wednesday, Trump is expected to address hundreds of workers at a non-union auto supplier in a Detroit suburb. 

Meanwhile, there are strikes at Tesla - the most American-made automobile. 

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Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge September 26th 2023