Watch: MSNBC Declares America "Could Be A Dictatorship Next Year"

While previewing Joe Biden’s ‘jacked up’ State of The Union address Thursday, an MSNBC talking head declared that if Biden doesn’t win the election, the US “could be a dictatorship next year.”

watch msnbc declares america could be a dictatorship next year

The network brought on ‘presidential historian’ Michael Beschloss, who compared the unhinged screaming Biden to FDR warning Americans about the rise of fascism.

Anchor Andrea Mitchell asked Beschloss “take a big picture, zoom out for us on what’s at stake for [Biden] tonight,” adding “You point to FDR’s Four Freedoms speech in 1941, obviously war time, a bigger challenge, but let’s, you know, talk about the challenges tonight.”

Beschloss proclaimed “this is a real historical moment” adding, “We could be a dictatorship next year if Donald Trump is elected and carries through on his threats and carries through on his threats to suspend the Constitution. That’s what’s at stake.”

He continued, “This is a year when we Americans have to choose whether we’re going to live as a democracy, as a republic, or as an authoritarian system.’That’s what FDR was doing in 1941, Nazis, fascists, Imperial Japanese were rampaging around the world, and he said ‘you Americans have to choose ‘”

“This is a year when we Americans have to choose whether we’re going to live as a democracy, as a republic, or as an authoritarian system,” Beschloss declared.


Truly deranged.

MSNBC will happily suggest that Trump is going to suspend the Constitution, but then literally laugh at the notion that mass immigration on an unprecedented scale is a concern:

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Authored by Steve Watson via March 8th 2024