White House: We Don’t Regret Swap with Iran in Wake of Increased Attacks

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby said that the White House doesn’t regret its earlier hostage deal with Iran in the wake of increased attacks by Iranian proxies on U.S. soldiers and the Biden administration isn’t the first to negotiate to bring Americans home.

Host Martha MacCallum asked, [relevant exchange begins around 9:55] “74 attacks is quite a bit. And whether or not it’s intended for the U.S.S. Mason, it’s not a pretty picture that we’re looking at…of attacks on U.S. military forces. Do you ever — do you think the White House has any regrets about the five-for-five hostage and prisoner release and the $6 billion that went to Iran in September, just a few weeks before all of this started?”

Kirby answered, “No. We got five Americans back home with their families where they belong. Those kinds of decisions are always tough for any commander-in-chief to make. The president’s always going to put a priority on getting Americans home.”

MacCallum then cut in to ask, “You don’t think it gave Iran sort of a green light that these kind of things were not going to be pushed back on significantly?”

Kirby responded, “This wasn’t the first time Iran has wrongfully detained Americans and held them. And we weren’t — aren’t the first administration to do negotiations to get our Americans home. And again, you and I have talked about the 6 billion…that money cannot be touched by the regime. It can only be used for vending, through approved contractors, [for] humanitarian assistance. The regime never touches that money and none of it…has been touched.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart November 27th 2023