WHO Pandemic Treaty Could Change the Course of Health Care Forever

The following content is sponsored by The Wellness Company.

It’s one thing to have your doctor tell you what you need to do to live well. It’s an entirely different thing when globalists get together to decide the future of health care for all of humanity.

Elite leaders around the world are scheming up a plan that could soon affect the entire globe. COVID-19 and other diseases rocked our economy, resources, and sense of security. Because of this, the World Health Organization (WHO) is working on a Pandemic Preparedness Treaty.

Back in 2022, a group of WHO members met in England to develop an international accord on pandemic preparation and response. After numerous discussions with health experts, academic groups, member states, and citizens, a draft was written up to make the treaty international law.

According to Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who spoke virtually from Geneva, the treaty would become “a legally binding pact between countries working together.”

who pandemic treaty could change the course of health care forever

This is a major problem. If the Pandemic Treaty succeeds, it could affect how doctors prescribe medication. This could restrict access to life-saving medications when you need them most!

You need a lifeline that protects you and your family during the most unpredictable healthcare emergencies.

When doctors spoke out about the possibility of Ivermectin for COVID-19 symptoms, they were immediately shut down.

News reporters, doctors, and the American people are now blowing the whistle on the corrupt plans of the WHO and global elite who wish to control the people under the guise of unity and safety against future pandemics.

With the threat of new pandemics on the horizon, it’s up to you to take back control over your health and well-being. This treaty could create more restrictions, cutting you off from medications you need in times of crisis.

You can’t afford to be caught unprepared.

Dr. Amesh Adalja, infectious disease specialist at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, shares additional concerns about the treaty by stating it could also “undermine intellectual property rights in the name of pandemic preparedness.”

Not only does this violate your privacy—it violates your basic rights to health and wellness!

If the treaty passes, countries will also have to work together with vaccine companies. This decision could result in vaccine mandates and unprecedented disaster.

What WHO leaders are calling “critical for humanity” is one of the most unnecessary and dangerous agreements that can be made.

Big Pharma can’t be trusted to keep you healthy and safe. It’s time you took action to protect yourself and your loved ones.

You need honest, courageous doctors who are dedicated to helping you make the best decisions for your health.

who pandemic treaty could change the course of health care forever


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Authored by The Wellness Company (Sponsored) via Breitbart February 23rd 2024