Whoopi Goldberg told her co-hosts Wednesday on ABC’s “The View” that President Donald Trump’s press Secretary got her job because of “wokeness.”
Goldberg said, “I would like her to do a little homework because she said something yesterday that really pissed me off. And that was she said, ‘There will be no wokeness here.’ Let me explain something to you, because without that wokeness, you might not have that job because women were not invited to that table. Women were not invited to many tables in this nation.”
She continued, “The reason we fought and busted our behinds to make sure that you didn’t have to worry about this. And now to hear you talk about it, and to hear anybody talk about ‘the wokeness,’ the wokeness was put in place for a reason: because Black people couldn’t get into colleges, because women could not get into the colleges they wanted to go to. This is all women, see. This is not Black, Asian women. This is all women. Women were not invited to this party. It was a man’s world, and we busted our asses to make sure that this was a person’s world. So please, please stop using that phrase and talking about this because you don’t understand what you’re saying.”
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