Wicker: White House, Pentagon Austin Probes Are a Joke Done by People Who Were Part of the Problem

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow,” Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) stated that while he doesn’t think Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin will resign and we shouldn’t expect him to, the internal investigations by the White House and Department of Defense are nonsense because they’ll be conducted by “the same people” who “were actually part and parcel of this.” And called for hearings on the matter by the Senate Armed Services Committee and for any investigation to be handled by an independent inspector general.

Host Larry Kudlow asked, “Senator, do you want him to resign outright? What’s your feeling on this?”

Wicker responded, “I don’t think he’s going to resign and I think we can put it past us. I’m glad at least we know what’s wrong with the Secretary, but I hope everybody’s learned a lesson here. What they want to do now is do an internal 30-day investigation, really with the same people doing the investigation that were actually part and parcel of this. We need to have an Armed Services hearing on this if there’s an investigation, it needs to be done by an outside inspector general.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart January 9th 2024