
California School Settles with Student Accused of Wearing ‘Black Face’ to Football Game

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California School Settles with Student Accused of Wearing 'Black Face' to Football Game

A California boy accused of wearing “black face” during a school football game is declaring victory after his school agreed to expunge his record and erase the suspension.

Daniel Ameduri was accused of racism in October of 2023 by the administrators of Muirlands Middle School in La Jolla, California, after the boy had put football eye blacking on the sides of his face under his eyes during a football game.

A week after the game, Ameduri found himself suspended from school for a racist act.

The school told the family in an official notice that the boy “painted his face black at a football game,” an act they claim was an “offensive comment, intent to harm.”

The ruling from the school shocked the family because no one said a word about any “racism” during or immediately after the game, and no one in the stands seemed to pay any attention to the boy’s face painting at all.

Daniel’s family took the school to court for the “false allegations” of racism and maintained that the boy had just put harmless football eye blacking on his face for the fun of rooting for his school team.

“The false allegations of blackface on J.A.’s permanent school records could have haunted him for decades, affecting both his education and future career opportunities,” Karin Sweigart, J.A.’s lawyer and Dhillon Law Group counsel, told Fox News.

A court approved the family’s settlement with the school, requiring the school to permanently expunge the disciplinary actions and bar school officials from ever mentioning the incident in official documents and communications.

“It’s a relief that the school district has finally corrected this injustice,” Sweigart added. “No student should have to fight to clear their name over baseless accusations, which is why organizations like the Center for American Liberty exist—to ensure fairness and protect fundamental rights.”

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Authored by Warner Todd Huston via Breitbart March 14th 2025