NASCAR Accused of Discriminating Against Whites with ‘Diversity’ Programs

nascar accused of discriminating against whites with diversity programs
Jared C. Tilton/Getty Images

An advocacy group is asking the federal government to investigate to determine if NASCAR is discriminating against white people with its minority-only “diversity” programs for pit crews and drivers.

Calling the programs “illegal discrimination against white, male Americans,” America First Legal is asking the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to look into the racing organization’s programs that are aimed at hiring and promoting only minority applicants, the New York Post reported.

America First Legal senior counsel Nick Barry insisted in a statement that the programs are against the law and “should not be permitted to continue.”

“NASCAR shouldn’t be picking drivers based on their race and sex, but on their ability to drive,” the statement continued. “All racial discrimination is wrong, even if it is the in-vogue ‘social justice’ cause of the day.”

The group alleges that NASCAR’s “diversity” programs violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prevents employers from discriminating against people based on their race and gender.

These programs were called out in August when fans began to notice that internship, pit crew, and driver programs excluded whites from applying for the jobs.

The original requirements maintained that applicants must “Be a member of one or more of the following races/ethnic minority classifications: Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Latino or Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander,” the web page read.

Not listed was “Caucasian,” or “white,” or even “European.”

Indeed, the requirements for pit crew candidates was even more explicit at the time. The Pit Crew Development Program noted that applicants who identify as “Two or More Races” are also eligible, but only if they “identify with more than one of the above five races.” Apparently, a person who “identifies” as one of the approved five races was still ineligible if their second race is white.

Since the outcry, NASCAR made an effort to change the more racist language in their program descriptions to read “diverse backgrounds and experiences.” But the change did not satisfy America First Legal.

“NASCAR’s and Rev Racing’s commitment to race and sex-based hiring has not wavered — the website changes described above seem to have been designed only to conceal their ongoing, deliberate and illegal discrimination against white, male Americans,” the America First petition to the EEOC reads.

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Authored by Warner Todd Huston via Breitbart November 6th 2023