Blunt Force Trauma face Mike Knox and Trevor Murdoch at NWA Samhain October 28 for the NWA Tag Team Championship
NWA star Aron Stevens hypes tag-team title match at Samhain
Aron Stevens will manage Blunt Force Trauma as they defend their tag titles against Mike Knox and Trevor Murdoch.
With Aron Stevens in their corner, Blunt Force Trauma captured the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) World Tag Team Championship on the first night of the company’s 75th-anniversary show last month and then defended the belts against Mike Knox and Trevor Murdoch on the second night.
Blunt Force Trauma, the team of Carnage and Damage, launched its feud against Knox and Murdoch back on Aug. 27. Stevens used a loaded glove to give his team the edge in the match. On Sept. 26, the teams met again, and Damage caused a disqualification with a chair shot on Murdoch.
Knox and Murdoch confronted Stevens the following week. Blunt Force Trauma’s manager graciously gave their riled-up opponents another match at NWA Samhain in Cleveland. However, there is a stipulation. The two teams will fight in a Knights of the Round Table Tables Match. To win, one person has to be put through a round table instead of a rectangular one usually seen in wrestling matches.
Aron Stevens, center, alongside Blunt Force Trauma. (NWA/Hiban Huerta)
Stevens told Fox News Digital in a recent interview when Murdoch and Knox confronted him he was looking to "compromise."
"Let’s find a happy medium. Let’s resolve this," he said. "So I said, ‘All right, obviously you’re not going away until we do it and do it right and that means you have to put a stamp on it.’ Not only are we going to beat them but we are going to beat them in a medieval way. So, that way you could say, ‘We didn’t just get a butt-whooping, you got a medieval butt-whooping.’ You can’t come back from that."
Stevens said it’s going to be "insulting" for Murdoch and Knox to return to their homes and face their families and neighbors.
"We’re not going to have that problem because we understand what we’re getting into and it’s proven that, unless there’s some kind of fluke, they can’t beat us. I don’t see any flukes happening because I thrive best in (the medieval) time period. I have a flair for the historic shall we say."
The tag-team title match is just one of eight matches set for Samhain.
One of the matches includes EC3 defending his NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship against Thom Latimer.
Aron Stevens, center, leads Blunt Force Trauma into a tag-team title defense on Octo. 28. (NWA/Hiban Huerta)
Stevens, EC3 and Latimer were all in the same company during their Florida Championship Wrestling (FCW) and Impact Wrestling days. FCW was a developmental territory for WWE before it rebranded into NXT. EC3 had been known as Ethan Carter III at one point and Lattier as Bram. Even Stevens went by Damien Sandow at the height of his run in WWE.
Now, Stevens gets to watch two people he has known for a long time battle it out for the "Ten Pounds of Gold" – one of the most prestigious wrestling championships in the sport.
"He’s kind of on a roll now," Stevens said of Latimer, "and Tom is reaching his full potential, which is cool. It’s a cool thing about NWA. You can go and just kind of see what happens, right? Like as long as you’re good enough to keep yourself on television, you have a degree of really finding who you are with that fan base and it’s very magical to watch people like that. …
"We've seen that, obviously, EC3, who is our new NWA Worlds Champion. And again, those two guys going at it, I mean, I can’t think of anyone in the business today who is more well-rounded in terms of their conditioning, the strength, the size, the plyometrics, everything they do than Tom and EC3. They are really wrestlers’ wrestlers."
NWA Samhain takes place on Oct. 28. (NWA)
The pay-per-view will be held at TempleLive at Cleveland Masonic later this month. The event can also be seen on Fite TV.
Ryan Gaydos is a senior editor for Fox News Digital.