Portland State Player Has Ear ‘Ripped Off’ During Blowout Loss to Oregon

portland state player has ear ripped off during blowout loss to oregon
Grant Faint/Getty Images

Portland State’s 74-point loss to Oregon last Sat. was bad enough, but one player for Portland suffered a gruesome injury when his ear was “ripped off.”

The shocking news came from Portland coach Bruce Barnum.

“We’re fine. Knock on wood, we had one guy get his ear ripped off,” Barnum said, according to the New York Post.

“They sewed it back on, and now they say he has a concussion. So, he’s out. But I think he’s fine. He talked to me today,” Barmum added.

The coach clarified that the player- whom he has not named- did not lose his entire ear. But the player suffered a “partial detachment.”

“I think it was from when we got his helmet knocked off, and I think his ear didn’t come out of his helmet,” Barnum explained. “They were sewing him up. I guess that means you have a concussion. And we’re making sure he’s fine, and he’ll sit out this game.”

portland state player has ear ripped off during blowout loss to oregon

Portland State head coach Bruce Barnum (AP/Photo)

The Portland Vikings completely fell apart on Sat. and lost the game 81-7.

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Authored by Warner Todd Huston via Breitbart September 7th 2023