Thousands of Eagles fans spilled out of bars and onto the streets of Philadelphia Sunday night after watching their team defeat the Kansas City Chiefs 40-22 in Super Bowl LIX.
The city had opted not to grease the light poles even though a fan died two weeks ago after falling from a light pole after the NFC Championship Game. Despite that tragedy, Eagles fans showed no hesitation in climbing to the top of light poles, cars, construction vehicles, garbage trucks, small buildings, and almost anything else they could find.
NOW: Eagles Fans CLIMB GARBAGE TRUCK with a driver INSIDE, as Thousands fill Philadelphia Streets celebrating Super Bowl win #SuperBowl
— Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 (@ScooterCasterNY) February 10, 2025
Video by @peterhvideo @FreedomNTVThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to license
NOW: Eagles Fans Smash up the car roof as the CLIMB on top to celebrate the Super Bowl win in Philadelphia
— Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 (@ScooterCasterNY) February 10, 2025
Some fans clashed with and taunted police as officers attempted to keep the crowd confined to certain areas and under control.
NOW: Philadelphia Police officer hit on the head, as cops drive through the crowd of thousands Eagles Fans celebrating the #SuperBowl
— Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 (@ScooterCasterNY) February 10, 2025
Dozens of fireworks were set off in the streets.
NOW: Eagles Fans CELEBRARE the Super Bowl win with FIREWORKS on Philadelphia Streets
— Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 (@ScooterCasterNY) February 10, 2025
Video by @yyeeaahhhboiii2 @FreedomNTV
However, it seems as though most Eagles fans wanted to climb things.
PHILADELPHIA: Pole greasing and pleads to "PLEASE not climb them" did not work.#SuperBowl
— Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 (@ScooterCasterNY) February 10, 2025
Video by @yyeeaahhhboiii2 @FreedomNTVThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to license
NOW: Philadelphia Police continue to attempt to get #SuperBowl celebrations under control. Everything that's climable is filled with people.
— Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 (@ScooterCasterNY) February 10, 2025
Video by @peterhvideo @FreedomNTVThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to license
NOW: Eagles Fans Smash up the car roof as the CLIMB on top to celebrate the Super Bowl win in Philadelphia
— Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 (@ScooterCasterNY) February 10, 2025
“Please, Philadelphia, I implore you as your mayor: Do not climb light poles or anything else,” Philadelphia Mayor Charelle Parker said before the Super Bowl. “I know this comes up every time we have an outdoor celebration after our Philly teams win, and I get it. But folks, climbing or attempting to climb up a light pole, or a bus shelter, or really any structure for that matter — it can lead to tragedy.”
Eagles fans are known for rowdy celebrations, and this year is no different. Philadelphia’s victory has given the franchise its second Super Bowl championship and avenged a previous Super Bowl loss to the Chiefs in 2023.
For the Chiefs, the loss spoils their attempt to become the first NFL team to “three-peat” in the Super Bowl era. In addition, Kansas City is looking at the strong possibility of losing one of the key components of their dynastic run, All-Pro tight end Travis Kelce, who is rumored to be considering retirement.