‘Women Pave the Way’: MLB ‘The Show 24’ Adds Female Players to Pro Baseball Video Game


For the first time, Major League Baseball has added female players to its pro baseball video game, The Show 24.

With the tagline “Woman Pave the Way,” the game will allow users to choose female players for its MLB simulation game, according to TMZ Sports.

The game’s designer, Mollie Braley, claimed she was inspired by real-life female athletes such as Toni Stone and Kelsie Whitmore.

Braley also claimed it is “important” to have female representation in pro baseball.

“We learned about the immense importance of community and support amongst the small but ever-growing group of women in baseball,” Braley exclaimed. “This is one of the main reasons we chose to include a buddy character in RTTS for the first time ever.”

“This is a feature that goes beyond simply allowing players to create a woman ballplayer in the game,” Braley piously continued. “It’s also meant to highlight the strength, tenacity, and resilience that it takes to break into the sport, but not shy away from the struggles that many have faced.”

Kelsie Whitmore, a female Atlantic League of Professional Baseball player, agreed, adding that the game is an important step to inspire girls to play pro baseball.

Of course, it is effortless to use game code created to simulate men playing baseball and swap the male image on the screen with a female form. It is quite another thing entirely for a woman to achieve pro-baseball-level achievements in real life.

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Authored by Warner Todd Huston via Breitbart March 4th 2024