Apple Endorses California ‘Right to Repair’ Bill After Fighting Third-Party Repairs for Years

apple endorses california right to repair bill after fighting third party repairs for years

In a surprising move, Apple has thrown its weight behind California’s SB 244, the “Right to Repair Act” aimed at giving consumers the legal right to repair their own electronic devices. Apple has spent many years and millions of dollars fighting against consumer right of repair.

Business Insider reports that for years, Apple has been stridently opposed to legislation that would allow consumers to repair their own devices. However, the tech giant has recently changed its tune. Apple has not only launched a self-service repair program but has also endorsed California’s “Right to Repair Act,” known as SB 244.

apple endorses california right to repair bill after fighting third party repairs for years

A stack of broken tablets (Johnny Milano/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

SB 244 aims to enact a statewide “Right to Repair Act,” which would provide a fair marketplace for the repair of electronic and appliance products. The bill intends to “prohibit intentional barriers and limitations to third-party repair.” Essentially, the legislation would require manufacturers to provide consumers and independent repair shops with the necessary tools and manuals to conduct repairs. The bill essentially intends to “provide a fair marketplace for the repair of electronic and appliance products and to prohibit intentional barriers and limitations to third-party repair.”

Apple’s endorsement of the bill is not just a policy shift but also a step towards sustainability. The company’s self-service repair program, launched in 2022, allows customers to order parts and rent tools for repairs rather than replacing their devices. “That not only saves customers money but is also better for the environment because it helps reduce electronic waste,” Apple stated.

Apple’s support for the bill comes with conditions. The company insists that the legislation should include requirements that it claims will protect individual users’ safety and security, as well as product manufacturers’ intellectual property. In a copy of a letter from Apple published by 404 Media, the company stated: “We support SB 244 because it includes requirements that protect individual users’ safety and security, as well as product manufacturers’ intellectual property. We will continue to support the bill, so long as it continues to provide protections for customers and innovators.”

Read more at Business Insider here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan

Authored by Lucas Nolan via Breitbart August 24th 2023