Argentina’s Javier Milei to Meet Facebook, Apple, Google, OpenAI Heads in San Francisco

The President of Argentina, Javier Milei, speaks at the Milken Institute's Global Con
Apu Gomes/Getty

Argentine President Javier Milei began a four-day trip to the United States on Tuesday, where he is slated to meet with the CEOs of Google, Facebook, OpenAI, and Apple in San Francisco, California.

Milei departed Argentina late Monday evening and landed in California on Tuesday with an agenda focused on seeking investments in the fields of technology and artificial intelligence from the U.S. tech giants and other entrepreneurs.

The visit marks the fourth time Milei has visited the United States after being elected President in November 2023. On a previous trip to the United States, which took place in mid-April, Milei met with Tesla CEO Elon Musk in Texas.

Following his visit to California, Milei will depart to El Salvador on Friday, where he was invited to participate in the inauguration ceremony for President Nayib Bukele’s second term on Saturday, June 1.

According to information from the office of the Argentine presidency reported by local media, Milei will arrive in California on Tuesday afternoon (local Buenos Aires time) and will meet with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman later Tuesday.

On Wednesday, Milei will give a 45-minute dissertation at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, followed by meetings with Stanford President Richard Saller, Hoover Institution director Condoleezza Rice, and Hoover Institution professors and economic policy experts.

Milei will continue his Wednesday agenda by meeting Google CEO Sundar Pichai, followed by a meeting with Apple CEO Tim Cook, and will wrap up the day with a meeting of entrepreneurs and investors in the field of artificial intelligence.

On Thursday, Milei is expected to meet artificial intelligence start-up entrepreneurs before delivering the closing talk at the Pacific Summit, organized by the Bay Area Council. The Argentine President will conclude Thursday’s agenda by holding a meeting with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Milei will depart the United States on Friday afternoon for El Salvador to participate in President Nayib Bukele’s inauguration on Saturday and then return to Argentina.

“By the end of the trip, the President will have met with 4 of the 10 companies with the highest market capitalization in the world in this, [the] intention to reposition Argentina in the world,” Presidential Spokesman Manuel Adorni said on Monday when announcing Milei’s U.S. itinerary.

Adorni stated that President Milei has no scheduled meetings with officials from the administration of President Joe Biden — but did not rule out that potential meetings could be arranged in the coming days.

Shortly after his U.S. trip, Milei is slated to begin a tour of Europe in mid-June which is expected to include a visit to Italy to participate in the upcoming G7 meeting from June 13 to 15, following an invitation extended by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni this year.

Christian K. Caruzo is a Venezuelan writer and documents life under socialism. You can follow him on Twitter here.

Authored by Christian K. Caruzo via Breitbart May 28th 2024