‘F*ck You Fascist:’ Charlie Kirk Screamed at by Northern Arizona University Students

fck you fascist charlie kirk screamed at by northern arizona university students
Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Turning Point USA founder and CEO Charlie Kirk was screamed at by protestors who shouted “Fuck you fascist” and “Trans rights are human rights” during his appearance at Northern Arizona University (NAU) this week.

Kirk had planned to sit at a debate table — oftentimes referred to as a “Change My Mind” table — to discuss cultural and political issues. The event was open to students and the general public, but a portion of the event was “drowned out” by screaming protestors.

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About 300 people gathered to support, debate, or protest the Turning Point USA founder. Students and protestors also wielded signs, some of which read, “Queer people belong here and always will,” and “trans rights = human rights,” the organization said.

A video posted to social media shows that Kirk, clad in a t-shirt that read, “The Government is Lying to You,” had attempted to calmly engage with protestors, but many of them continued to scream, preventing any type of actual dialogue.

“When you send your kids to America’s colleges and universities, you’re playing Russian Roulette with their values and their future,” Kirk wrote on X/Twitter sharing a video of his interactions with NAU students on Tuesday.

Watch Below:

The “Change My Mind” table, however, was not entirely “drowned out” by protesters, as supporters of Kirk and TPUSA were able to eventually proceed with the event, the organization said.

Additional video footage posted to social media showed a more calm environment, in which Kirk was able to greet supporters, some of whom chanted, “Charlie! Charlie! Charlie!”

Watch Below:

“We had more supporters than opposition today,” Kirk said on X/Twitter.

“What the media wants you to think is that I got heckled off campus at NAU. That’s ridiculous. I was there for nearly 3 hours talking and debating with students. I left as scheduled,” Kirk wrote on X/Twitter.

“But the ugliness of a small minority of planned LBGTQIA+ radical women is real. It’s depressing for sure. But the love and the support was also overwhelming,” he added. “@TPUSA is moving the needle and giving the sane, regular, normal students the courage to make their voices heard.”

This is not the first time a Turning Point USA event has been attacked by radical left-wing militants on a college campus.

Earlier this year, left-wing and LGBTQ activists at UC Davis were arrested after vandalizing university property during an event featuring Kirk. The incident came just hours after UC Davis chancellor Gary S. May declared Kirk a “proponent of hate” and encouraged students to “neutralize and negate” TPUSA’s influence on campus.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.

Authored by Alana Mastrangelo via Breitbart September 21st 2023