Google Antitrust Trial: DuckDuckGo Founder Claims Internet Giant Stifles Competition Through Exclusive Deals

google antitrust trial duckduckgo founder claims internet giant stifles competition through exclusive deals
Leon Neal/Getty Images

In the ongoing antitrust trial against Google, Gabriel Weinberg, the founder of search engine DuckDuckGo, testified about the substantial barriers his company faces in competing with the internet giant. Weinberg attributed these challenges to Google’s exclusive deals with phone companies and equipment manufacturers to be the default search option on devices.

Fortune reports that Gabriel Weinberg, the mind behind search engine and Google competitor DuckDuckGo, took the stand in what is being termed as the most significant antitrust trial in a quarter-century. Weinberg gave the courtroom insight into the competitive landscape of search engines, emphasizing the formidable challenges smaller companies face due to Google’s extensive contracts and partnerships with phone manufacturers and service providers.

google antitrust trial duckduckgo founder claims internet giant stifles competition through exclusive deals

DuckDuckGo CEO Gabriel Weinberg (Alex Wong/Getty)

google antitrust trial duckduckgo founder claims internet giant stifles competition through exclusive deals

Sundar Pichai CEO of Google ( Carsten Koall /Getty)

“We hit an obstacle with Google’s contracts,” Weinberg stated, highlighting the difficulties encountered by DuckDuckGo in carving out a market presence. The DOJ is arguing that Google’s approach to securing its position as the default search engine on devices, through lucrative deals with companies like Apple and Verizon, has effectively smothered competition, leaving users with limited choices.

Google, on the other hand, maintains that its dominance in the search engine market is a direct result of the superior quality of its product. The tech giant argues that users have the flexibility to switch to rival search engines with just a few clicks, should they wish to do so. However, Weinberg countered this claim by illustrating the complexity of the process required for users to switch from Google, which involves 30 to 50 steps to change defaults on all their devices.

Founded in 2008, DuckDuckGo has positioned itself as a search engine that prioritizes user privacy, promising not to track user searches or locations. “People don’t like ads that follow them around,” Weinberg asserted, emphasizing the growing concern among users regarding privacy. Despite its commitment to privacy and its utilization of contextual advertising, DuckDuckGo still only handles a mere 2.5 percent of U.S. search queries, a testament to the overwhelming market presence of Google.

However, DuckDuckGo has proven to be less than an ideal choice even when compared to Google. Breitbart News previously reported that DuckDuckGo has been “down-ranking” sites associated with “disinformation” and adding “information boxes” to highlight quality information. This move received backlash from supporters who viewed it as adopting censorship policies. Weinberg, addressing the decision on Twitter, stated it was an effort to reduce Russian disinformation online, especially in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “At DuckDuckGo, we’ve been rolling out search updates that down-rank sites associated with Russian disinformation,” Weinberg declared.

He further explained that DuckDuckGo would be placing news modules and information boxes at the top of certain search results to highlight quality information for rapidly unfolding topics. This approach mirrors methods used by many search engines and social media sites during the coronavirus pandemic to push official government narratives and information to internet users.

Weinberg responded to the criticism by emphasizing that the core mission of DuckDuckGo is to provide users with privacy and to show more relevant content over less relevant content. “The whole point of DuckDuckGo is privacy. The whole point of the search engine is to show more relevant content over less relevant content, and that is what we continue to do,” he affirmed.

Read more at Fortune here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship.

Authored by Lucas Nolan via Breitbart September 22nd 2023