New iPhones Don't Create As Much Buzz As They Used To

As Apple is set to unveil the iPhone 15 along with a couple of other new or updated products later today, the anticipation among the company's faithful has been slowly building, even if the leaked reports suggest a forced change of connector (EU Regs), a 'new camera' (wahoo...), and a shift from stainless steel to titanium.

Not exactly innovation.

Watch the even live here (due to start at 1300ET)

But, as Statista's Felix Richter notes, while Apple's launch events are still headline news in tech blogs (and every news outlet covering the tech industry really), the excitement around the company's iPhone announcements has cooled off a bit in recent years.

With leaks and predictions become more accurate each year and real surprises becoming increasingly rare, Google Trends data suggests that new iPhone models no longer create as much buzz as they used to.

Looking at global search interest for the term “iPhone” shows that the latest iPhone unveilings failed to spark as much enthusiasm online as earlier launch events.

new iphones dont create as much buzz as they used to

You will find more infographics at Statista

Last year's unveiling of the iPhone 14 for example resulted in 40 percent less search interest on Google compared to the iPhone 5's debut in 2012, which is when the iPhone hype peaked (at least in terms of Google searches).

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge September 12th 2023