Conference Board Confidence 'Revised' Lower For 3rd Straight Month, Present Situation At Pre-COVID-Lockdown Highs

US consumer confidence soared higher again in January according to the Conference Board, with the headline up from 108.0 (revised down) to 114.8 (above the 114.5 exp). This was driven a huge surge in 'present situation' (from 147.2 (revised down) to 161.3). That is the highest present situation index since the start of COVID lockdowns...

conference board confidence revised lower for 3rd straight month present situation at pre covid lockdown highs

Source: Bloomberg

But, for the third straight month, The Conference Board revised its consumer confidence data significantly lower.

conference board confidence revised lower for 3rd straight month present situation at pre covid lockdown highs

Source: Bloomberg

Which brings up the same question we had last month?

The labor market indicators trended notably stronger in January...

conference board confidence revised lower for 3rd straight month present situation at pre covid lockdown highs

Source: Bloomberg

The Conference Board's indicator inflation expectations tumbled further to +5.2% - still notably high but trend in the right direction...

conference board confidence revised lower for 3rd straight month present situation at pre covid lockdown highs

Source: Bloomberg

And so we ask again - Is Bidenomics all simply driven by 'seasonal adjustments' and historical revisions?

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge January 30th 2024