Fed F**kery Is Back: 'Adjustment' Turns $108BN Bank Deposit Outflow Last Week Into Nothing...

With The Fed having practically lost control of their bank bailout facility (BTFP) due to banks pilings 10s of billions into a free-money arbitrage in recent weeks (enabled since Powell pivoted)...

fed fkery is back adjustment turns 108bn bank deposit outflow last week into nothing

Source: Bloomberg

...it was no surprise they pushed back a little yesterday, hoping to encourage (wean off) banks to use the discount window instead - because the $161BN BTFP will go extinct in March.

fed fkery is back adjustment turns 108bn bank deposit outflow last week into nothing

Source: Bloomberg

Amid all this free-money for the banks, total deposits (seasonally-adjusted) fell for the second week in a row (down $12.3BN)...

fed fkery is back adjustment turns 108bn bank deposit outflow last week into nothing

Source: Bloomberg

On a non-seasonally-adjusted basis, banks have seen deposit outflows of $111BN in the first two weeks of 2024...

fed fkery is back adjustment turns 108bn bank deposit outflow last week into nothing

Source: Bloomberg

And Fed Fuckery is back on display...

Excluding foreign banks, Domestic bank deposits plunged $107BN (NSA) last week (Large banks MSA -$87.3BN, Small banks NSA -$20.3BN), while they were practically unchanged on an SA basis -$348MN (Large banks SA +5.13BN, Small banks SA -$5.48BN)...

fed fkery is back adjustment turns 108bn bank deposit outflow last week into nothing

Source: Bloomberg

Interestingly, since NSA domestic deposits reached their pre-SVB levels, they have seen major outflows...

fed fkery is back adjustment turns 108bn bank deposit outflow last week into nothing

Source: Bloomberg

On the other side of the ledger, loan volumes surprisingly (given the deposit outflows) surged back last week with large bank loan volumes up $14.2BN (the first rise in loans in 6 weeks) while Small Banks saw loan volumes up $15.2BN on the week...

fed fkery is back adjustment turns 108bn bank deposit outflow last week into nothing

Source: Bloomberg

All of which means - as we pointed out previously - "March will be lit"...

Because without the help of The Fed's BTFP, the regional banking crisis is back bigly (red line), and large bank cash needs a home - green line - like picking up a small bank from the FDIC...

fed fkery is back adjustment turns 108bn bank deposit outflow last week into nothing

Source: Bloomberg

And now you know why The Fed will cut rates in March - no matter what jobs or inflation is doing.

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge January 19th 2024