Jobs Come Crashing Down: October Payrolls Up Only 150K, Missing Estimates And Follow More Downward Revisions

With the October jobs report already expected to be a big drop from September's 336K, as consensus expected a 180K print (below the whisper number of 211K), moments ago the BLS confirmed that last month's surge was nothing but a Bidenomics mirage and as we warned in our preview, the October print indeed came "crashing down to earth", sliding to 150K, a drop of more than 50% from the original Sept print, and the second lowest since 2022!

jobs come crashing down october payrolls up only 150k missing estimates and follow more downward revisions

As usual, historical data was revised massively lower, with the jobs change for August revised down by 62,000, from +227,000 to +165,000, and the change for September was revised down by 39,000, from +336,000 to +297,000. With these revisions, employment in August and September combined is 101,000 lower than previously reported. In total, 8 of the past 8 months have been revised sharply lower in what only idiots can not see is clearly mandated political propaganda designed to make the economy look stronger at first glance then quietly revise the growth away.

jobs come crashing down october payrolls up only 150k missing estimates and follow more downward revisions

It wasn't just payrolls that disappointed: so did the unemployment rate, which rose to 3.9% from 3.8%, vs expectations of an unchanged print. Since recent lows in April, this measure is up by 0.5% points, effectively cementing the next recession per Sahm's rule. Broken down by race, white unemployment was the highest since Nov 2021, black unemployment was the highest since Jul 2023, and Hispanic unemployment was the highest since Aug 2023. So much for white supremacy and privilege.

jobs come crashing down october payrolls up only 150k missing estimates and follow more downward revisions


Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge November 3rd 2023