Max Negative Gamma Danger Looms Ahead Of Nov 1 FOMC

VIX remains above 20 this morning, but has followed the pattern of the last 3 weeks with VIX/vol bid into Friday due to weekend risk... and when WW3 does not actually occur, VIX/vol is sold in relief.

max negative gamma danger looms ahead of nov 1 fomc

However, as SpotGamma highlights, there remains a fairly significant bid in IV as we head into Wednesday FOMC. Shown below is the current SPX term structure (black line) vs that of the previous FOMC (red line). This term structure reflects at-the-money IV's for each expiration, and as you can see current IV's are sharply higher than into Sep FOMC.

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge October 30th 2023