National Economic Activity Unexpectedly Declined In December; Chicago Fed Index Shows

Against expectations of a small rise from 0.03 to 0.06, The Chicago Fed's National Activity Index (which draws on 85 economic indicators) tumbled to -0.15 in December. 2023 ends with 8 of the 12 months in negative territory...

national economic activity unexpectedly declined in december chicago fed index shows

Source: Bloomberg

Under the hood, 48 of the 85 inputs made a negative contribution with all major subcategories weaker MoM and only personal consumption barely above zero...

  • Production and Income -0.06

  • Employment -0.06

  • Personal Consumption +0.01

  • Sales & Orders -0.04

national economic activity unexpectedly declined in december chicago fed index shows

CFNAI's Diffusion Index remains significantly weak...

national economic activity unexpectedly declined in december chicago fed index shows

This indicates below-trend-growth in the national economy and a sign of easing pressures on future inflation




Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge January 25th 2024