"Our Two Most Popular Reports Every Quarter": A Look Inside Goldman's Hedge And Mutual Fund Monitors

Overnight, Goldman published what its flow trader Michael Nocerino writes are "two of our traditionally most popular research reports of the quarter" the bank's Hedge Fund Trend Monitor, and the Mutual Fundamentals, a trend monitor but for Mutual Funds. Both of these lengthy and must-read reports are available to pro subscribers in the usual place (here and here), but for the sake of time we have summarized some of the key highlights below.

We start with the Hedge Fund Trend Monitor which analyzes 697 hedge funds with $3.0 trillion of gross equity positions ($1.9 trillion long and $1.1 trillion short), and looks at positions at the end of Q3 2024 based on 13-F filings as of November 14, 2024.

Here are the summary findings:

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge November 20th 2024