These Are The Top 5 Questions On Goldman's Trading Floor, And FICC's Two Favorite Trades

In his latest note, Goldman floor trader Adam Crook summarizes the themes resonating with global clients at the moment, as well as Goldman’s views/thoughts on the topics and the bank’s favorite trades. Below we excerpt the key highlights; as usual there is much more in the full note available to pro subscribers.

1) The five top questions around the Goldman trading floor:

  • Is anyone buying bonds at this level, are valuations now attractive or is there a risk of another big level adjustment?

  • Did the BOJ/MOF intervene in USDJPY last week + how has the market reacted to the sharp move lower after the break of 150?

  • How much has the market de-risked in Equities + are we now primed for positive seasonals to take over?

  • Should we worry about bank failures and/or credit contraction again with back-end rates selling off, and what signals are you watching from earnings season?

  • Was last week’s sell-off in Oil just a position-unwind + do we still envisage a move higher to $100?

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge October 9th 2023