Maher: If Biden Has an Immigration Plan, ‘It’s Very Subtle’ — He Should Just Propose Canada’s Stricter Policies

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher argued that “if Biden has a plan for immigration, it’s very subtle.” And wondered why Biden can’t just push for an immigration position like Canada’s far stricter immigration policies.

Maher said, “[T]his is the time of year…we get a caravan…these are the immigrants coming up from Central America through Mexico. … This is the second — I read this today — second year in a row illegal crossings have been over 2 million, I think that’s a record. Now, this is broken down to asylum seekers, that’s a category that never used to be this high, because the criteria to be an asylum seeker was a lot more stringent, 900,000. And then what they call gotaways…that’s 600 [thousand]. So, that’s 1.5 million, that, I guess — so, I guess we stopped half a million, and we stopped 1 out of 4. I just want to say, if Biden has a plan for immigration, it’s very subtle.”

Later, Maher argued that Republicans are hypocrites because they won’t crack down on people who employ people who are in the country illegally.

He also said, “Why couldn’t Biden just say, we should have an immigration system like Canada’s, and every woke person would go, of course, Canada is the greatest, it’s the big blue state to the north. Canada is way to the right of us on immigration. Their system isn’t even based on come one, come all like this one…and family connections. … It’s a very different system, much harder to get into.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart November 4th 2023