Hartnett on What Makes and Breaks Bubbles

Hartnett on What Makes and Breaks Bubbles


Authored by GoldFix ZH Edit

This line from the opening paragraph of ZH's breakdown of Hartnett's latest: "A Short History Of Bubbles". pretty much sums the latest Flow Show report by the BOA Chief strategist:

In his latest Flow Show note titled aptly enough "A short history of bubbles", Hartnett - perhaps after observing the recent move in names like ARM and SMCI - is no longer shy about calling the parabolic spade a spade and details not only a "short history of bubbles" but where the Magnificent 7 fits in.

For our part, this week’s Hartnett flow show is brief, tightly worded, and very informative with regards to if or if-not the Mag 7 bubble is ready to pop. His answer is implicitly given according to updated criteria. The meat of the analysis is a historical perspective going back to the good old days of  Mississippi and  listing characteristics almost all bubbles share. It functions nicely as a  checklist to keep close moving forward. (Video clocks in at  about 14:30 runtime)


  • 0:00- Intro
  • 1:05- Equity Breadth vs Credit spreads
  • 3:40- Bubble History Commonality Preview
  • 6:08- Hartnett's Bubble Checklist- What makes and breaks them

Continues here

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Authored by Vbl via ZeroHedge February 18th 2024