Biden Campaign Co-Chair: Biden Showed He’s Tough by Pulling Hunter ‘Close to Him’ and Then ‘He Went Back to Work’

On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Biden Campaign National Co-Chair Mitch Landrieu responded to accusations that President Joe Biden isn’t tough by stating that when Hunter Biden developed an addiction, President Biden “pulled him close to him and loved him unconditionally like every parent would and he went back to work.”

Landrieu said, “I want to say this…when Joe Klein says, well, Joe Biden might not be tough, he got elected to the Senate when he was 29 years old, which is amazing in and of itself, before he took office, his wife and one of his children were killed. And you know what Joe Biden did after he mourned and went through the agony of losing his spouse? He got up off his behind and he went to work. He raised two sons. He traveled back and forth to Delaware every night to take care of them. And then, later in his life, he lost another son to cancer, his pride and joy, the person that he talks about all the time. What did Joe Biden do? Did he quit and go home? No. He got up off his butt and he went back to work. He had another son, who, as a result of that, suffered from addiction. Did he kick the kid to the curb? No. He pulled him close to him and loved him unconditionally like every parent would and he went back to work. That is what Joe Biden does. He never quits. He is always going to fight for the American people. He’s going to put his shoulder to the wheel, and he’s going to take this country to the place where we need to be as we prepare for that more perfect union that we all have committed to each other we deserve.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart January 16th 2024