Gov. Jeff Landry Orders Louisiana to Track Taxpayer Cost of Illegal Immigration

Jeff Landry, attorney general of Louisiana, during a Weaponization of the Federal Government Subcommittee hearing in Washington, DC, US, on Thursday, March 30, 2023. The hearing is examining an effort by the Biden administration to dismiss a lawsuit alleging violation of free speech rights accomplished through government pressure on major …
Valerie Plesch/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry (R) will now require the state’s agencies to track all costs associated with illegal immigration to give taxpayers a transparent picture of the bill they are being forced to foot due to President Joe Biden’s policies.

On Tuesday, Landry signed an executive order that will have Louisiana agencies monitor the financial burden of illegal immigration with the ultimate goal of disclosing the figure to state taxpayers and curb such costs.

“The cost of illegal immigration in this state is falling on the shoulders of hard-working Louisianans,” Landry said in a statement:

This Executive Order will analyze data to determine the financial burden our citizens are being forced to carry because of those who do not follow the law. Louisiana will always welcome those who legally immigrate, but taxpayers cannot continue to foot the bill for individuals who break the law and skip the line.
[Emphasis added]

Under the order, the head of every executive branch agency in Louisiana must provide Landry’s office with data related to the cost of illegal immigration.

Read the order here:

Jeff Landry Executive Order… by John Binder

Already, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) estimates that nearly 100,000 illegal aliens as well as about 34,000 so-called anchor babies – those United States-born children of illegal aliens – reside in Louisiana today.

The average cost to Louisiana taxpayers is more than $4,600 per illegal alien, according to FAIR, with each Louisiana household paying about $346 to cover the cost of illegal immigration.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Follow him on Twitter here.

Authored by John Binder via Breitbart January 16th 2024