Blackburn: AG Garland an ‘Inept Leader’ — ‘How Can You Possibly Be the U.S. Attorney General?’

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has doubts about Attorney General Merrick Garland’s ability to perform his duties following his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee earlier this week.

Tennessee’s senior U.S. Senator expressed those doubts during an appearance on Fox Business Network on Thursday.

“Well, he came in there and acted like he had never seen anything. He had never heard anything,” she said. “He didn’t know anything. No one had ever made him aware of anything. He couldn’t recall what conversations he had had. He portrayed himself as an inept leader incapable of running the Department of Justice. He absolutely knew nothing. So, how can you possibly be the U.S. Attorney General? How can you possibly be leading the DOJ and not know what is going on? It begs a question: Who is in charge? Yes. And who is making these decisions because he portrays himself as knowing nothing.”

“The truth is, we know he knows a lot of this,” Blackburn continued. “And we know that there are conversations that are taking place below the surface, if you will, and that there is a lot of moving the ball around over there in order to protect Joe Biden. It goes back to when they tipped off the Biden transition team that Hunter Biden was scheduled to be interviewed the next day. And at that point, either the White House or DOJ or somebody over there kind of took charge of this situation. They took the power away from David Weiss. They started to play hide the ball. They didn’t want people to know what was going on. They had, by all means necessary, needed to protect Hunter and Joe Biden.”

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Authored by Jeff Poor via Breitbart September 21st 2023