Rand Paul on Ukraine: ‘Irresponsible to Think About Their Country Before I Think About My Country’

Thursday, during an appearance on FBN’s “Mornings with Maria,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) decried efforts to tie funding for the Ukrainian war effort to the looming government shutdown facing Congress.

Paul said it was “irresponsible” to make considerations for Ukraine before making those for the United States.

“Senator, you just heard what Lindsey Graham said,” FBN’s Maria Bartiromo said. “How much money total has gone to Ukraine so far? What has been the impact? And have you been to Ukraine?”

“Somebody needs to remind the Senator that we don’t have any money,” Paul replied. “We’re about $1.5 trillion in debt for this year. Over the last three months, we’ve accumulated almost a trillion dollars in three months. The total is $33 trillion. So we don’t have like an extra rainy-day fund or surplus we can send them. We have to borrow the money from China to send it to Ukraine. So, no matter what your sympathies are in the war, and I’m sympathetic to Ukraine fighting off the Russian aggressors.

“But at the same time, I think it’s irresponsible to think about their country before I think about my country,” he continued. “We have government funding that needs to happen before September 30. And for them to hold that hostage and to say we will close down — you know, we’re going to close down government unless you pass Ukrainian funding. We don’t have money. So, I don’t think it’s a good idea for our country to continue borrowing. We’ve given them over — I think it’s about $113 billion. There’s another $24 billion. But you’ve got to read between lines, they’ll tell you it will tell it will last them about two to three months, and they’ll be back again.”

“Every two to three months, they’re over here,” Paul added. “You know, he’ll be here again today begging for more money. It’s not even just going to armament. You realize we are funding the pension of their government workers. And we complain about bloated government here. They’ve got bloated government, and they’ve got corruption. And the American taxpayer, people who are struggling in our country, are asked to fund it. I think it is wrong, and I think most American people agree with me.”

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Authored by Jeff Poor via Breitbart September 21st 2023