Dem Rep. Beyer: Biden Won’t Allow Auto Workers to Strike for Demands, We Can’t Have a Strike ‘After all the Inflation’

On Tuesday’s broadcast of Bloomberg’s “Sound On,” Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) predicted that there won’t be a strike by auto workers because the White House will step in “to make sure that they don’t strike against the Big Three” and that a strike is the last thing we need “especially after all the inflation” that drove up the price of cars in the past couple of years.

Host Joe Mathieu asked, [relevant exchange begins around 8:25] “Are we in for an auto strike in this country?”

Beyer answered, “I sure hope not. I know the language is strong. I know, Joe, when you go to sell a car, you try to start at list price, no matter where you end up. And it sounds like that’s what the union has done, is they’ve started with a very high, manufacturer-suggested retail agreement. And they have to be ready to negotiate it down. By the way, this administration, Joe Biden and his folks, have done a really good job of intervening again and again, on the longshoremen, on the UPS, I certainly expect that we will see the White House intervening to make sure that they don’t strike against the Big Three.”

Beyer added, “[T]he last thing we need to do, especially after all the inflation that affected new cars and used cars in the last couple of years, we would look at supply shortages again and driving up prices. That would be a terrible thing for the American consumer.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart September 5th 2023