Trump: ‘We Did Such a Great Job’ Responding to COVID, Got Economy Back to Doing Well

During an interview aired on Tuesday’s broadcast of SiriusXM’s “Stacy On The Right,” 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump touted his response to the coronavirus pandemic during his first term and stated that “we did such a great job with COVID.” And that he got things “back to a point where our country and our economy [were] doing well.”

Trump said, [relevant remarks begin around 11:50] “[I]n 2016 and 2020, we did great. We did better in 2020 by a lot, by close to 12 million votes. We did better in 2020 than we did in 2016. Everyone talks about 2016, which was great, but 2020, we did better. But it was disgraceful what happened. More votes than any sitting President ever…when a president re-runs, they never get as many votes, very rarely. But I got [many] more votes in 2020 than we did in 2016, meaning people really liked the job we did, and that’s despite COVID. And that’s the big secret, because we did such a great job with COVID. Nobody knew what it was when it first came…but we got it back to a point where our country and our economy [were] doing well. Biden is blowing it with inflation so badly.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart September 5th 2023