Gillibrand: Biden Can’t Reverse His Reversal of Trump Immigration Policies

On Monday’s broadcast of Fox 5’s “Good Day New York,” Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) claimed that President Joe Biden can’t reverse his reversal of former President Donald Trump’s immigration policy because “The law on asylum is really clear. If you have a colorable claim that you’re coming from a horrible country that has horrible things happening, you have a right to come here.”

Gillibrand said, “President Trump — former President Trump has come out to say, I don’t want any fixes to immigration, which is just cynical and terrible for a state like New York, because we need these laws changed.”

Co-host Rosanna Scotto then said, “But the President can change it with — he can make his own change. He got rid of them within the first 100 days [he was in office].”

Gillibrand cut in to say, “He’s going to try. So, this is what he’s going to do: He’s going to try to do these things through executive order. He will be sued. He may or may not win in court. But the point is, we’re urging him just to do what you do if Congress was doing their job because Congress is not doing their job, they will not vote on this.”

Scotto then asked, “Can’t he reverse what he reversed?”

Gillibrand answered, “No. The law on asylum is really clear. If you have a colorable claim that you’re coming from a horrible country that has horrible things happening, you have a right to come here. The problem is the process is taking too long. We need to expedite it, and the other thing we need is emergency work visas. Our governor should be able to issue emergency work visas.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart May 20th 2024