Maher: Biden’s ‘Anachronistic’ Morehouse Speech Doesn’t Help Anyone

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Gutfeld,” comedian, author, and the host of HBO’s “Real Time,” Bill Maher stated that President Joe Biden’s Morehouse speech was dated and “we’re not living in that world that he’s talking about. And I don’t think that helps anybody.” Maher also stated that while “racism still persists and we should always be making remedial remedies for it” we have to acknowledge how things are now.

Host Greg Gutfeld asked, “Do you think there is a purpose to him being so stark and bleak?”

Maher responded, “I think it’s not helpful. First of all, it was anachronistic. That speech would have made sense some years ago. I think we should acknowledge that racism still persists and we should always be making remedial remedies for it. But we’re not in the past. I always keep saying, let’s live in the year we’re living in. We’re not living in the year where you have to be ten times better to succeed if you’re a person of color. And in some instances, it’s an advantage. In some places, it’s not an advantage. But we’re not living in that world that he’s talking about. And I don’t think that helps anybody.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart May 20th 2024