Gold Star Mother: Joe Biden Messed Up My Name, Mixed Me Up with Another Hispanic Woman at Dignified Transfer

SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

President Joe Biden messed up the name of the Coral Doolittle — mother of Cpl. Humberto A. Sanchez, who lost his life as a result of the Biden-Harris administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan — she said during an appearance on War Room with guest host Breitbart News Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Boyle.

Doolittle said her son was an advocate for others, explaining that his father was an abuser, so he became a “defender” and protector, particularly for children who felt bullied or left behind.

“I know that he was a happy kid and just trying to help and protect,” she said of her son.

During the interview, Boyle asked about the dignified transfer at Dover Air Force Base, noting that Biden was there, but he kept checking his watch.

“He kept looking down at his watch, I mean, as if he had somewhere else to be, but somebody who wasn’t there was the sitting vice president of the United States, Kamala Harris,” he said, as Doolittle described the scene that day and how Biden messed up her name and that of another grieving mother.

“It was a huge room. They set every family together, like, in their own little space. He got close to me, and he called me Ms. Lopez,” she said, referring to Alicia Lopez, mother of Marine Cpl. Hunter Lopez.

“So, obviously, Ms. Lopez was sitting on the next couch beside me, and she screamed, ‘She is Ms. Sanchez,'” she said, recalling the scene. But it got worse, as Biden then went to Lopez and called her “Ms. Sanchez.”

“And, after they actually let him know that he was wrong, he went a few minutes later to meet Alicia Lopez, and he called her Ms. Sanchez. So, Alicia just got really, really upset,” she said.

“I know, and I can tell you this: I was there physically, but my mind and my heart were not there,” Doolittle continued, describing it as one of the worst moments of her life, seeing the casket of her son.

“This is something that I really, like — I struggle with,” she continued, describing how hard it was to see higher-ups give condolences to her and her family when their decisions played a part in the withdrawal that led to her son’s death.

“They just went to shake our hands and wash their hands,” she said, adding that Harris was never there, either.

“I know someone said that she was there — she wasn’t there,” she said, blasting Biden for checking his watch during that solemn time.

“Every single casket passed by, and he was checking his watch. So, that was just a total disrespect to our family and not just to us but our fallen soldiers that were coming back to the United States,” she added.

via September 4th 2024