Nolte: Trump Expands Support with Hispanics over 2020

Former Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuno speaks as the "Latino Americans for Trump"
Joe Lamberti/AP

Former President Trump lost the national Hispanic vote to His Fraudulency Joe Biden by 21 points in 2020, we are told. A poll shows Trump is now behind only 13 points with Hispanics against incumbent Vice President Kamala Harris.

Harris has unquestionably improved the Democrat Party’s standing with Hispanics, at least in this poll. The same Reuters/Ipsos poll in May showed Biden losing Hispanics to Trump by four points. That was a 25-point swing toward Trump compared to 2020.

Harris has picked up 17 points since that May poll, but even with Harris doing better than Biden, Trump is doing eight points better with this group compared to 2020.

What is sure to drive Democrats crazy is that on the issue of immigration, Trump tops Kamala with Hispanics by five points, 42 to 37 percent. On the issue of the economy, Hispanics are tied between the two candidates at 39 percent.

Harris does enjoy an 18-point lead with Hispanics on health care and a 23-point lead on climate change.

Among all registered voters, Trump leads on the economy by nine points, 45 to 36 percent.

The immigration polling in favor of Trump among Hispanics can surprise only the bubbled among our elites who stupidly believe that Hispanics would be okay with allowing the Third World to invade our country because they share the same skin color.

Illegal immigration, especially at the levels the Biden-Harris administration has allowed and encouraged, hurts everyone, especially those on the lower rungs of the economic ladder who must compete against tens of millions of these invaders for housing and wages, especially in low-skilled jobs.

What’s more, many of our Hispanic citizens went through the rigors of entering the United States legally, which is no easy process. That they would resent the line jumpers comes as no surprise to those of us who live in the real world. My wife was born in Mexico and her family came here legally. Ask her what she thinks of illegal immigration. She’ll be happy to lay it out to you in Spanish, which is her native language.

Listen, this is going to be a tight race that comes down to the wire. But I feel more confident about a Trump victory today than I did in 2016 and a lot more confident than I did in 2020. Back in 2016, I was one of the few people who gave Trump a solid chance of winning, about 40 percent. I was much less confident of him winning reelection in 2020.

Trump also proved in 2016 and 2020 that he is a helluva closer.

WATCH — Latina Trump Supporter IN 2020: Latinos Want a Candidate Who Protects Freedom, Not One Who Plays “Despacito”

Matt Perdie / Breitbart News

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook

via September 4th 2024