Graham: Trump’s Comments on Hezbollah, Netanyahu ‘Huge Mistake’

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that former President Donald Trump made a “huge mistake” with his recent comments about Hezbollah and Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Anchor Kristen Welker said, “I have to ask you about some of these recent comments by the GOP front-runner former President Trump praised Hezbollah as ‘very smart.’ The Israel’s communication minister called that language shameful. Do you agree? Is that shameful language?”

Graham said, “That was a huge mistake. If I was President Trump, I would talk about the strongest president for Israel in modern times. He issued a statement two days ago, I stand with Bibi, and I stand with Israel.’ He’s on the right track. The Biden administration’s border policies are failing.”

Welker said, “He also criticized Netanyahu. A lot of people saw that as a personal attack because Netanyahu has recognized President Biden as the duly elected president.”

Graham said, “Yes.”

Welker said. “Do you think that’s appropriate at this moment?”

Graham said, “No, I thought it was not helpful, and President Trump recognized Israel and Jerusalem as the capital. He recognized Golan Heights as part of Israel. He put in place the Abraham accords. No, I wouldn’t criticize Bibi.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart October 15th 2023